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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

6 Things You Need to Make Your Dreams Come True

Dreams can come true as long as you believe.  As beautiful as it is to dream, so many of us women lose sight of our dreams as we go through life.  I remember when I was a little girl I used to dream about being rich and famous, of owning a bunch of fancy cars and living in a huge mansion with a massive in-ground pool, complete with tennis courts, a butler, a maid, and a nanny to take care of my six children.  I would sit and dream for hours about how grand and perfect my life would be with my perfect husband and career.

Today my dreams are a little different, but they are still very big.  I recently read a quote that I love which is, "If your dreams don't scare you, then they aren't big enough".  I realized that for so long, when I thought of my big dreams, I would downsize them so they would feel more realistic and achievable.  Like, how could I really finish my graduate degree while I was trying to get through a devastating divorce? Or how would I really start a business as a single mom with very little money and practically no support?

What I realized is that when you have dreams, you shouldn't downsize them for anyone or anything - no matter how your life may look in that moment.  Instead, you owe it to yourself and to your children to do everything in your power to make your dreams become your reality.  Along my journey I identified six things that I relied on in order to make my dreams my reality.  They are determination, resourcefulness, energy, ambition, motivation, and strength (D.R.E.A.M.S.).  As a result of me being able to identify these six things within me and really tap into them, I completed my masters degree this past June and started my success and empowerment coaching business, Defining Success, LLC, as a single mom working a full-time job.

Over the next six weeks I will discuss each of these qualities and share how I used them to get on track to achieving my dreams.  You will see how you can access these same six qualities and start living the life you desire and deserve. 

Before I go, I'd like to ask, what are your dreams?  What have you been wanting to do but didn't think it's possible because of your current circumstances?  What did you want to do before you had children? Are you ready to discover what you're really made of and move fearlessly in the direction of your dreams?   Please share your comments with me.  If you have a friend or know someone else who would benefit from this information, please pass share this post.


  1. I like you had dreams of a perfect life. I thought I would be married with kids and have it all. That is not my life at this moment. My current dreams are getting my bachelors degree in nursing then becoming a certified case manager. I would also like to move closer to my family so my son can grow up with his cousins. These are very attainable but I have put any effort into acheiving them. Fear of failure and the unknown is holding me back. Like you said I owe this to myself and my child to make my dreams a reality.

    1. Hi Angel! I know that you are going to achieve your dreams. You have so much drive and determination inside of you. It's ok to acknowledge your fears, but you have to keep moving until they are a thing of the past. Once you get going on your path to earning your degree and certification, keep moving forward. Stay encouraged by surrounding yourself with people who are where you want to be and who will support you when your fears try to show up. I'm so proud of you! You're setting a great example for your son.

  2. Downsizing our dreams is like putting God in a box. He can do anything through us, but we have to believe and envision it first. I'm not a mom (also not a woman), but I think your principles are applicable to both males and females. Great post!
